Note From The Editor // 365 Days Later..
December 31, 2022
Friends, new and old, we made it another year. I sincerely hope this past year treated you and yours well. And I hope the next year and the years to come treat you even better.
As always, I want to start 2022’s end-of-year note by acknowledging you, the reader: thank you for supporting our small, but mighty platform. I hope this year’s interviews provided you with inspiration and hope, and gave you additional insights into each artist’s craft. Additionally, I want to thank all of our featured creatives. There wouldn’t be an #artist2lookout4 without you. I appreciate you being open and vulnerable and trusting me to share your story.
If you missed any of the artists we highlighted this year, don’t worry—you still got time to get familiar ;). I had the pleasure to chat with the talented Keosha Love, the charismatic Mike Baker, the beautiful SNIX, the vibrant KATONTHEMUV, and the artful O’kiins Howara. It was my absolute pleasure getting to know each and every one of these artists, and I look forward to featuring more creatives next year.
But before we jump to 2023, let’s reflect on 2022—
I think the theme of this year, at least for me, was perseverance. The dictionary defines it as persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. We may not see the fruits of our labor instantly, but that’s ok. We just have to continue to trust in ourselves, in our ability, and one day the rewards will come.
This year, like many before, has come with its fair share of ups and downs. You know, living isn’t always easy, especially the past couple of years. But we’re here…365 days later, and we’re here. Be proud. You kept your head up, survived, and made it to today. That is more than enough.
There’s this Bukowski quote that I love that goes, “Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you've felt that way.” This message helps me on days when my energy is completely drained. It serves as a beautiful reminder of the strength that resides within all of us.
So, don’t forget to congratulate yourself on your wins, big and small. Don’t be afraid to go all in on yourself. Because you are your greatest advocate and your worst enemy; it’s up to you to decide which one you will be (*cough cough* note to self!).
Take the leap. Take risks. Do what you love. Find time to focus on your passions, find time for you. Rest without guilt. Prioritize your needs. Surround yourself with people who love and support you.
I’m rooting for you, and I can’t wait to see what you do.
I wish you a very happy new year! Take care of yourself.
With love,
Rahel Tekle
Founder + Editor-in-Chief