All the way from Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, our featured #artist2lookout4 is self-taught photographer and visual artist, Marc Desiré Zahui, aka deezy_pics.
Being that my French-speaking skills are trés basic at best, this is a special interview in that this is my first ever translated editorial, and hopefully, it is not my last. This platform is all about shining a light on artists and creators from all over the world, and I am grateful to have this opportunity to highlight amazing work like Zahui’s colorful, bold, striking photography.
Along with his passion for photography, the 23yr old also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Application Development. His love for photography grew while in high school, but he didn’t capture work until later. He says, “it is a passion that has grown in me without me being seriously aware of it, but I never captured anything or my surrounding with a camera until 2018. I was visiting a photo exhibition and I realized that photography is not only the search for beauty and aesthetics but a way to share emotions and convey a message.” It was at that moment that he decided to take the craft seriously and started taking photos with his iPhone 5, showcasing his work in different art shows and contests.
“For me photography is not only the search for beauty and aesthetics, it is much more. As far as I'm concerned, I use photography to express my emotions, to take positions on certain subjects that affect society. Basically, I would say that my photography has a purpose. I do not do it to have fans or make a name for myself, that's why I chose artistic photography.”
Today, our artist would situate his craft between photography and graphics, or "photographism" as he so wittingly put it, monochrome portraits, and surreal landscapes. “I like color contrasts and manipulated colors and as long as I am inspired and I have my smartphone I have a way to share my emotions.”
To add on, I think one of his most prudent responses in our interview, especially with everything going on currently, is when asked how art influences change, he responded, “I think that art has a positive influence on change because art that is meant to convey a message of peace, a changer of mentality, and an awakener of conscience allows people in contact with it to be able to evolve on certain points of view that they once had on a prejudice.” He hopes to achieve this change, to inspire African youth, and to alter consciousness with his work.
Read more about deezy_pics and check out his work below.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am Marc Desiré Zahui. I am 23yrs old and am a student holding a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Application Development. I am passionate about photography and visual art. I consider myself a free spirit; a person who is free to express himself, to express his feelings, thoughts and emotions, and that is what I try to do through my photography.
Your photography is very striking. Can you talk a little about your creative process? What’s your inspiration?
The idea is the source of creativity. Everything starts from an idea, a little bit of imagination, and then I do research on it and I try to see how to make it expressive in the image, according to my sensitivity and in my style. To speak of inspiration, I love to observe the world around me. Life itself is a source of inspiration, so I draw from everything: the movies and videos I watch, the songs I listen to, the books I read, and, finally, everything without exception.
How would you describe your work?
For me photography is not only the search for beauty and aesthetics, it is much more. As far as I'm concerned, I use photography to express my emotions, to take positions on certain subjects that affect society. Basically, I would say that my photography has a purpose. I do not do it to have fans or make a name for myself, that's why I chose artistic photography.
What are some of your other passions?
I am a big fan of visual art, among others graphic design, fine arts, also new technologies and computer science, so I share my universe between technology, computer science and art.
In what ways does your personal life play into your photography?
My personal life plays a lot in my photography. Through my photography, I transmit my emotions, my feelings, while remaining in an artistic setting. It can help some people who are in the same state of mind as me to feel supported and comforted.
What do you hope to achieve with your work?
Through my photography I hope to be an awakener of the consciousness of peoples still indoctrinated. And change the mentality of Africans and youth.
In your opinion, how does art influence change?
I think that art has a positive influence on change because art that is meant to convey a message of peace, a changer of mentality, and an awakener of conscience allows people in contact with it to be able to evolve on certain points of view that they once had on a prejudice. I could give several examples but among many others I would mention Beyoncé's recent film "Black Is King'', which reminds black peoples, whether they are from Africa, America, Asia or Europe that our ancestors were kings, we were the first civilization before Jesus. Thus, we can see that film leads Africans to see the continent differently.
Interview by Rahel Tekle